- trek in ewd buying ingredients for my GLORIOUS feast :D
- carrying all the stuff to the car , thank you to my dearest delicious
who trekked all the way to help me ♥
- unpack all the stuff in my fridge in <5mins .
christmas lunch menu :
→ Fresh prawns with dipping sauce
→ Home made prawn wontons with sichuan oil
→ Thai Fried Rice
→ Family fruit salad recipe
→ Stir fried beef fillet with honey and ginger
→ Marinated honey soy chicken
→ Panna cotta with a strawberry puree
P.S all but one is made from scratch , yes i am a very ambitious
child. I'd ask for help to make it but its sorta like a
CHRISTMAS PRESSIE to show how much i love my family ♥
Before i tell you about my afternoon id like to point out
the most cutest story of a little boy who captures me and peng's heart .

was sitting on the seesaw with peng in that middle bit
and along came me and i sat on the other side and started bouncing on it
and then he came and sat with me, what a magical moment that was .
we gazed in each others eyes, quite romantic really xD
i think this little boy will be a pimp child , he sure knows
how to pick up the LADIESS .
well his brother had to take him away and the cutest thing he said was
" BYE , MERRY CHRISTMAS -blows kisses- " eeeeekkk :3
is there anything cuter ?
- devouring delicious pho at chatty
- looking for ballet flats with my dear peng and ended up getting some high top black chucks
-attempting to get into someones house without keys, DONT WORRY WE HAD PERMISSION !

- watering some dry plants , watering cans are actually quite handy on a hot day ;)
- constantly changing bandaids from my injured toe ): props to peng for being so prepared
in the bandaid department xD
- walking back in the heat with 1.5L bottle of H2O , felt sea sick since i could feel the
water moving inside of me whilst our long trek back to the station
- cooking dinner, it was pretty easy, BANG IN SOME PIZZA IN THE OVEN :D
- put it some prep work for my epic feast
→ create my panna cotta, which btw is a success cause i just checked it and it has SET :D
→ make fruit salad, which has also set , GG dessert part wont be fail .
→ marinate my honey soy chicken with honey and soy sauce and other stuff
→ marinate my beef
→ cook some rice for my ashun fried rice :)
- jus chillin'
i shall update you on my xmas feast later on ~!
Hope you guys have a merry christmas, since its christmas day now :) Remember the true
meaning of christmas, which is the birth of the one and only son of our Lord heavenly father.
thank you for giving the human race the gift of grace, hope and love
katwinky signing off.x.