Monday, May 30, 2011

Fish Theory

finding nemo is awesome, just saying.
My long awaited fish theory.
If you know me, we've probably spoken about my fish theory
and my other retarded theories :)

well this is my
.. Fish Theory

Do you notice that everyone has different sized lips ?
what kinda lips do you have ? ;)
this all started from a conversation i had with my cousin a while ago.
i think her exact comment was 

" i feel sorry for pretty people having to kiss ugly people in movies. "

So, being my observant self i discovered a theory.
i could be like the next einstein :D ( he's so cute :3 )

Ready for it ...?


consider the scenario..
thin vs fat lips = thin's face gets fully eaten.
thin vs thin = what the magical.

if you don't believe me, concentrate on movies :P
or ask your friends.
i sure have , and so far my theory hasn't been proven wrong.

so next time you're looking for a potential lover, don't check out their ass first.
Lips is the way to go (;
..happy hunting :)


Sunday, May 22, 2011

what did you first think of me?


Ever thought of what your first impression is when you meet people ?
i've always been curious on what people's first impressions of me was
either good or bad,
 i like hearing it :)

Some peoples first impressions of me:

" You're really quiet, you don't talk a lot? "
that was before they knew me, they totally think the opposite of that now xD

"You laughed a lot."
laughter is the best medicine after all :)

"You're REALLY tall."
that's what MOST people say when they see me ><

"You talk about anything and everything, you just say whatever is on your mind."
i don't know whether it's good or bad?

"What a beast, you can really withstand the cold."
i gave me jacket to my friend cause she was cold.

to be fair, i was carrying a bench cause i wanted to eat my lunch ASAP.

"You eat a lot"
i normally don't eat a lot in front of people cause i feel self-conscious, 
i didn't know anyone was paying attention that one time D:

i had the weirdest dream ..

don't particularly wanna use names so i'll just name then Girl and Boy.

Boy walks Girl home.
Boy gives Girl present.
Boy gives girl his sport uniform shirt.
Boy tells girl to wear shirt.
Girl puts on shirt.
Boy asks "did you read the shirt?"
Girl reads shirt.
it said " Property of boy, if founds please return to (address)"

what the weird dream.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gotta love em'

I find the best things in life are found
 in appreciating the small things :)

Finding a good song that 
always cheers you up.
Hold My Hand- Michael Jackson ft. Akon

Looking back at photos
Those moments where you wish you could re-live.

Laughing hysterically and 
having people think you're retarded.
laughing to your hearts content :)

Dancing in the rain
Feeling the rain on your face.

When you know you got a friend 
to talk to about practically anything.
you share similarities :)

Finding that one person 
that makes you feel perfect.
computer jokes ftw ~!

Knowing that you have mail
makes me feel special :D

Experiencing a really good hug.
What's better than a good hug ?


Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Five Love Languages


they are five kinds ..
1. Words of Affirmation
---> this refers basically to compliments.
is there any other better compliment ? :P
2. Time
--> refers to spending quality time, which includes your undivided attention.
that rush you get from knowing you made someone's day :)
3. Gifts
--> refers to a tangible gift, showing that you were actually thinking of them.
nothing like a car full of gifts to show you're loved.
4. Acts of Service
-->refers to someone taking time and effort to show that they care for you.
 eg. making food etc.
the intricacy and wonder of sushi :D
5. Touch
--> refers to gentle gestures of love.
what the cute old couple ;D
so which one are you ? :)
P.S Happy Mother's Day


Saturday, May 7, 2011

what came over me?

i don't have much to say nowadays.
i suddenly have the urge to not talk to people , don't ask why cause i don't even know ><"
so, i'm sorry for not replying people's texts etc.
just simply, not in the mood.
maybe it's cause i'm lazy as usual :)

Nothing is always as it seems.

alter ego on the loose ?

8D , x) , >:] , ^^, -.- , o.^.^.o weee ~ 

Gotta love picture, sorry for the disjointed "theme" on my blog post !!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Basic Public Etiquette

Seriously, people need to learn some manners when
they act in public .. T______T"

Basic Etiquette
1. Toilets - By no means is a toilet meant to be stood on, unless you're in asia.
Basic instructions on what NOT to do.
2. Music - If you're on public transport, have the decency of plugging in earphones and not playing your music on loudspeaker. Specially when you have distasteful music, no one wants to hear it.

3. Spitting - ERGH,  i mean i understand if you're old and you have flem problems, but teenagers hacking their lungs out and spitting it out in everywhere..seriously YUCK. It's a personal pet peeve and major cringe factor. 
Not do only guys spit in public.

4. Keep your clothes on - I don't think you need to wear shorts that showcase half your bottom or a deep neck line to show you have boobs. You're just attracting the wrong attention. Also don't dack each other in public, especially when you accidentally dack too far ..we don't wanna see your business.

5. PDA - learn to keep things in the private of your own home. Little kids are very impressionable.
keep it classy :)
