Monday, August 12, 2013

Waiting for the undecided

tick tock. tick tock. tick tock.
that sound.
the wait.
the suspense.
the outcome.

greatest gift you can give.

we are all waiting for something...
the kettle to boil to make some tea after a stressful day of life.
your hot chips to to finish frying so you can enjoy their delectable goodness after craving.
the bus that's supposed to arrive so you won't be late for uni.

patience acts as a catalyst to achieve
 the endurance of waiting.
when i think of waiting,
i always cross reference it to patience.

patience is hard to measure,
but defined through their attitude.
at least i'd like to think so (:
(even when it drives you insane)

And until then..
i'll be waiting,
because good things come 
to those who wait.
( optimism is hard )


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Feeling of indifference

 I know I probably have been neglecting my blog for the longest time now, 
but that's probably cause I've been so preoccupied with a lot of things
whether it be uni, family, friends, relationships etc.

I guess I don't have that random urge of word vomiting anymore,
maybe due to the lack of inspiration or being more vocal about
anything and everything I notice. 


To be honest, I don't really know what's happening.
My mood has been quite negative lately.
My patience is practically depleted.
Easily irritated.
Feel the need to hermit up from the world.
Emotionally void.

To pinpoint these triggering source would be a hard find
cause I've been wondering for the past few weeks..
Hurts me more than you think you know.

I hate this feeling.
Not knowing where life is headed.
Feeling blamed for things out of my control.
Missing someone that's not there anymore.
Taken for granted.
BUT, that is life.

 I figured there are some things that give me temporary happiness
from my long day of nothing.

1) Getting the most randomest texts that make me smile.

I don't really receive text content like this
(but maybe I sometimes send stuff like this and spam people, SHUSH)
i love the feeling of someone having the 
urgency to tell you something and keeps you curious, 
then it makes you panic and realise it was nothing
really that urgent. 

2)  Enveloping yourself in your blanket in winter

 I literally look like I got wrapped up in a yummy dumpling
sealed completely shut and do not want to move in the risk
of exposure to external air coming to invade my warmth.

3. Someone willing to look like a fool to see you smile


Normally I would be embarrassed,
but nowadays small gestures go a long way.
People that have the initiative to talk and plan to 
go out with you without you having to hint, love yous ~

4. Narrowing down a hobby to distract you

ideas so far..
 --> Another blog for DIY stuff and Budget Barbie type blog
(Spreading my asian tips and tricks to the world)
PRO: time consuming and getting them creative juices flowin'
CON: more prone to spend money
 --> Doing more cooking
PRO: i get to eat food, rather than instant noodles and frozen food.
CON: my mixer broke -.- no baking for a while

--> Photography
PRO: i have an alright digital camera
CON: have no idea where to start or where to take pictures

-->Recording songs
PRO: i get to improve my singing and technical skills
CON: can't sing or play instruments well

what do you guys reckon?

5. A really long hug that you never wanna let go of

Unexpected hugs make me so happy.

BUT, there's something about a kiss on the cheek (..makes me giddy)
It's sweet and gives me warm and fuzzy feelings..dang romcoms.
(i love chuck and blair, they're my favourite tv couple)

Been watching a lot of grey's anatomy lately


Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's a new me

It's a new year, (although it's february, delayed i know)
A year to start again, to leave regrets behind and 
work towards achieving more this year. 
To not only thinking about it, but going out and doing it.
Uncovering more about myself.

i wanna make changes in this year.

for once, i'm making a list of what i wanna achieve. 
cus' that way i can reflect back on it at the end of 
the year and feel all accomplished (: 

1.  unplanned, random and spontaneous. 

i've always wanted be more spontaneous
but maybe cause money or not having a car or lack of freedom
have gotten in the way for me to do that.
excuses to take the easy way out.

always wanted to do this,
wake up when it's still dark.
pack some breakfast, with a large
thermos of hot chocolate.
bring some blankets and pillows.
drive to the beach in my pjs.
watch the sunrise.
[ ^ once i can drive by myself (: ]

2. for the rainy days.

working harder to save up. 
my funds will go towards my future house 
ambitious, but eventually achievable (:

short term,
road trips.
food adventures.

3. Love harder.

It's being able to compromise to make each other happy.
It's surprising them with treats.
It's those random messages asking how their day was.
It's to be slow to assume the worse.
It's to be able to share the good and bad times.
It's putting others before yourself.
It's the shoulder to lean on when times get rough.
It's giving without expecting anything in return.
It's the patience you give when they drive you crazy.
It's appreciating each moment with the ones you love.

we come to love
not by finding the perfect person,
but by learning to see an 
imperfect person perfectly.

4. keep it interesting.

i admit i'm not the best at baking,
but it's a past time that i enjoy 
because i've always taken an interest
in "artsy fartsy" stuff and i thought picking
up a hobby would make my days more productive.
goal to bake at least once a month :D

wanting to buy,
adriano zumbo cookbooks.
light blue kitchen aid mixer if
i end up sticking to this hobby.


5. movie moments.

i've always wondered,
authors like nicholas sparks
(a walk to remember, the notebook, dear john)
are as romantic in real life as his
characters are portrayed in his books.

even though romcom movies are mostly cliche
and not likely to happen ever.
a lot of them are inspired by non-fictional characters.
opposed to fictional books about my adventures to willy wonka's factory..
sadly disappointed ):

it isn't necessarily to experience movie moments
because it's pretty hard to, but it's just implying to
just enjoy every moment as it comes.
take every opportunity and make the most of it!

quote of the day,
