[ Finn and Rachel are the epitomy of cute couples ]
Today, they did the BRITNEY SPEARS episode
and Rachel sang ONLY EXCEPTION by Paramore.
It made me realise that Finn is like so sweet .
DANG, ima sucker for singers ><"
..too bad such boys only exist on tv ):
BUT, anywho when Rachel sang for Finn
..total heart melting moment <3
When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist
But darling,
You, are, the only exception
Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk.
I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream
And I'm on my way to believing
What a

[ someday i hope i find my real life finn<3 , then i shall be happyhappy:D ]
LOL was JUST thinking about writing a post on Glee :P