i find that when we're little we always wait
for that GOLDEN TICKET that would take us to
what we hope for ..aspirations , hopes , desires .
list of endless possibilities .. given through the
opportunities of life.
A flawed reality makes us realise that not all things you desire
can be achieved or achieved in the way that we want to.
We can't always live up to expectations.
► Even though it isn't directly said, people have certain expectations of us.
Not neccesarily from yourself personally, it could be from your race.
For example being asian, people expect you to be able to use chopsticks.
Not every asian can use chopsticks, i can def vouch for that.
Being in the last year of high school , pressures arise to get that idyllic mark
99.95 ATAR . Somewhat a stressful ordeal to achieve, parents breathing down
your neck expecting a MED DEGREE under your belt to feel as though their job
of being a parent has payed off.
we have to realise that trying our best is all that matters. If you've truly
given 100% to what you want to achieve there is no shame in that.
We can't always conform to obedience.
► Yes, teenagers are the times that we feel that we need to rebel.
An analogy that would explain what our action to "DONT DO THIS" is,
if you saw a button and it said DON'T PRESS you are wanting
to press it because your curiosity of the consequnces of your actions
intrigue you.
some people have epic will power, who can
just listen to everything their parents say. To that i say kudos to you , you are
the prodigy child . Personally, i tend to rebel to prove a point like to show that
you are mature enough to live a more independent life and allowed to make mistakes
to be able to learn them yourself first hand.
It can be hard to agree with everything your parents say, but the extent
of where you rebel to has to have boundaries.
We can't change our appearance.
► Living in such an influential world we are constantly bombarded by what the
media calls "beautiful people" Especially girls, we constantly compare ourselves
to other girls and criticise our flaws like
"i wish i had that body..
i wish i had nice legs..
i wish i was taller..
i wish i had bigger boobs..
i wish i had eyes like that..
i wish i could have clothes like that.."
the list is endless.
You gotta learn to embrace what you look like, you don't need to get
surgery and what not to make you feel more beautiful. Be happy God made
you all unique and he thinks you are beautiful no matter what.
We can't always make rational decisions.
► Sometimes we're faced with various decisions, some miniscule and some
change the course of our lives. In some circumstances we know, which one
is right and wrong it's just deciphering a decision on which you'll do. In these cases,
we are easily influenced by people because humans feel the need to be accepted
which results in belonging. Belonging is an inevitable and universal idea. We
aren't always in the right state of mind to make a rational decision.
Do what you think is right and not make decisions based on other people's
opinions because the results of those decisions would mostly impact on you
and noone else.
we all have flaws and this is how we are built.
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