and you just see a page that you have to LIKE.
I actually really enjoy reading "like" pages ,
they amuse when i'm bored out of my mind, which is
kinda right now when it's the last week of holidays and
im not being very productive by just staying at home.
I'm gonna write down the ones that i found uber cute.

TRUE LOVE STORY - A girl and a guy were speeding over
100mph on a deserted road on a motocycle..
GIRL : " Slow down, we're going too fast. I'm scared."
BOY : "Come on, don't worry. I know what i'm doing, you're
having fun right ? "
GIRL : " NO. Please stop, I'm really scared!!! "
BOY : "Then tell me you love me."
GIRL : " I LOVE YOU, now please slow down."
BOY : "Give me a hug"
BOY : " Can you help me out here ? Take my helmet off me and
put it on you ? it's bugging me. "
A motorcycle crashed into a building due to break failure. Two people
found, but only one survived.
Half way down the road, the guy realised his breaks broke, but he
didn't want to let the girl know..instead he had her say that she loved
him and felt her hug for one last time, then he had her wear his helmet
so that she would live even though he would die.

I want a hug. Like one of those pick-me-up-off-my-feet-squeeze-
kind of hug.

A boy gave his girlfriend a challenge, to live a day without him
and if she did it , he would love her more.
The girl agreed and didn't talk to him for a day
Without knowing he had only 24 hours to live because he
was suffering from CANCER
She went to his house the next day. Tears falling from her eyes
as she saw him lying in a coffin with a note on the side:
" You did it baby, you can do it everyday. I love you"
You leave me in tears.