cinemas .
since when was it so hard to watch a movie in the cinemas ?
i went with my friend today to chill at the shops
and we spontaneously decided to watch black swan
since it was such a notoriously talked about movie.
i went and checked the time and we had 10mins.
not a time to lose right ?
so we bought like lunch so we could eat whilst the movie was on
and my friend went to buy the tickets
tragedy struck .
it went something like this :
N: hi, could we get 2 students to watch black swan please?
Cinema chick : could i see your ID please ? i have to see both your IDs
N : -points to me and i come over-
Cinema chick : could i just check your ID cause its a MA15+ movie
Me : -raise eybrows- i think i have my year 7 ID ..CRAP i dont have it
Cinema chick : sorry, i cant let you see it without ID
Me : T____T i have a bus and train pass...
Cinema chick : sorry..
N and I walk off peeved off and disappointed ):
we spent like 20mins seeing if we could still go in
and this is what we came up with..
- Use N's id
--> name and photo was on it.. awkward you rock up with the EXACT name XD
-N brought clothes and she could change into them and buy the ticks
--> but the people could still recognise her ..
- we saw people we knew so we could ask them for their ID or ask to buy it for us
--> but it would be disturbing their DnM moment and itd be really awkward
- call someone you know that works/goes where you are
--> they might have a uni lecture or theyre working
- we could both change into her casual clothes
--> that was the only time i didnt bring shorts and she had a spare top D:
- you can ask a random to buy tickets for you
--> it felt like you were asking someone to buy alcohol or drugs for you T___T"
- N could flirt her way into getting a ticket
--> she wasnt willing to do it xD
- go home and get my id and come back
--> we'd miss some of the movie by then
* buy a G-rated movie ticket and just go into the movie you wanna see *
.. cant believe we didnt think of that till after we gave up .
i mean cmon , DO I LOOK 15 TO YOU ?
hope this helps you in the future when you encounter a similar problem :)
i should write a letter ..to " MR/MRS EVENTS CINEMAS "
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