Thursday, June 30, 2011

Parental control

my life is controlled by unreasonable barriers ..
the words i constantly here is
 " no, you're not allowed to"

i don't see how being an obedient daughter pays off
when you're so restricted.
i can be a badass if i want to, BUT no i choose not to
and what do i get in return , nothing .

Asking for permission to go out somewhere somehow magically
conjures up mistakes i've made in the past.
the past is the past right ? you learn from your mistakes.

they always find some way to pick faults in everything we do ..

is a

No, i've never done drugs.
No, i've never smoked.
No, i don't go to parties and get wasted.
No, i don't go somewhere without your permission.
No, i don't take money from you when i go out.
No, i don't make the wrong kind of friends.
Yes, i try my hardest to make you happy.
Yes, i try to be studious in ways i can.
Yes, i just want a bit more freedom.
Yes, i find some of your decisions unfair.
Yes, i want you to meet me half way.
Yes, i am sick and tired of you bringing up the same arguments.

They seem to have a comment in every aspect of your life, whether necessary or not.

- bringing up the same argument, doesn't make it any more effective.
- comparing us to other people's children annoys us.
- criticising us doesn't motivate us to do any better.
- telling us not to do something makes us want to do it more.
- complaining about going out too much is the reason why we're on the computer.
- nagging us excessively is why we stay in our room.
- listening to music is so we are able to keep our sanity.
- comparing today's generation to yours doesn't make it accurate.
- just saying a flat out no tends to just piss us off.
- know that most of us are capable of making mature decisions.

We know what you do is because you love us,
but do us a favour and just love us less :)

we get mad at our parents, 
but i'm sure they have their momentary
 instances where they wondered 
why they became parents in the first place.

cut them SOME slack.
even though they test the hell out of your patience.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Stages of procrastination


if this was a subject, every teen out there would own it.
There are SIX levels of procrastination
1. False security

Knowing you don't have anything due for a while and waste your time relaxing.

2. Laziness

Knowing you need to do something, but seriously ceeeeebs.

3. Excuses
Knowing you gotta do something, but just giving up cause it's just too overwhelming.

4. Denial

Knowing that you've slightly overestimated your capability.

5. Crisis
Knowing that you should've done something productive instead of procrastinating.

6. Repeat


I told my grandma that i would consider donating blood
and this is what she said.
GRANDMA : NO ! Don't give the blood, needle the dirty.
You did from disease, the yucky germs go in your blood and YOU DIE.
Be a normal person, just call and donate money and they
can go buy the blood.

Making a wish on 11:11..

and waiting for it to come true :)


Friday, June 17, 2011

Relationship expectations

expectation vs reality ?

what do you expect out of your boyfriend/girlfriend ?

i had an interesting conversation with my friends today on the train.
she was listening to some korean song, which was "supposedly" really sweet and romantic.
she translated some of the lyrics (to be honest, sounded a bit off to me)
it was along the lines of ..
" i want to wash your hair, 
help you clean your face etcetc. "
creepy aye ?

then she asked me ..
" What expectations would you have if you had a boyfriend? "
i'm pretty stoned in the morning so i didn't really say anything.

Her answer was interesting ..
" I want a boyfriend so we can play together
and on our 50th anniversary, he'll take me to luna park :D "

My other friend had a different theory, this was our conversation.
H: what expectation would you have with your boyfriend?
M : MONEY ($) , cause money = happiness = love.
K : your logic is so twisted .. but if you loved someone, you would just love spending time with them, even it meant you didn't have to spend money.
M : BUT, if they love you they'll give you money :D
K : T_________T" ; i give up.

So i really thought about it .. what are my expectations ?
My answer is ..i don't know.
i guess if you just meet the right guy, they'll just meet all your needs and expectations :)
stay optimistic :)
unless you already have someone, then in that case .. (;

Monday, June 13, 2011

i think i like you?

No, i don't like him. 
Fine, maybe i like him. 
Argh, okay i do like him.

Sometimes we are encountered with deciphering whether we have feelings for someone.

Do i like them?
Why do i like them?
Do they like me?

1. How do you react around them?
2. Do you try to make them jealous?
3. Do you talk to your friends a lot about them?
4. Do you try to bump into em on purpose?
5. How many times do you think of em in a day?
6. Do you stare at your msn or facbook, waiting for him to come on?
7. What's your reaction when people talk to you about them?
8. Do you feel jealous when they're around an opposite sex?
9. Do you catch yourself staring at them unconsciously?
10. Do you have a smile when you see/think of them?
11.Are you uber aware of what you look like when you're around them?
12. You are curious whether they will make the first move.
13. Do you think of reasons to talk to them?
14. Do you find it hard to get them off your mind?
15. Were you thinking about them the whole time you were reading this? ;)

if you do, try telling them :)

Hope this helped.
Inspired by my lovely bestie :)


Unrealistic expectations

wow , i had like a mega long nap yesterday.
i woke up at like 5:22pm, but then again it's cause
i got to sleep past like 6 o'clock.

well when i woke up i was watching k-drama with my mummy
and from the looks of things..
dramas are so unrealistic. they raise your expectations of guys so much.
and you feel disappointed when you can't find anyone close to that D:

You just wish you could have those drama moments in your life aye ?
If there's a drama out there you should watch, it's SECRET GARDEN.

SECRET GARDEN , super cute :3

- uber rich guy falls in love with someone who has no $
- they bump into each other so much "coincidentally"
- they fall for each other so quickly
- some magical things happen ( don't wanna spoil it :P )
- famous singer and rich guy both fall for the poor girl
- the guy continuously chases the girl

HAHA , i love kim joo won .

LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE , super cute thai movie 

- she goes for an older guy
- the really good looking guy doesn't go for anyone 
and falls for the "ugly girl"
- the girl changes so many things for the guy to get his attention
- the girl just loves the guy even though she hasn't met him

nawwww , cuteness .
how much she does for the guy.
mario maurer is so gorgeous, just saying.

who needs a boyfriend, when you can just have a guy best friend ? :D

not really the last one, but yeah THE OTHER OENS :D
I want a guy best friend who gets mistaken as my boyfriend.
A guy best friend is everything you need.
Another boy who makes your life complete. 
A boy who I can run to when my girl biffle's not around.
He'll kick my future boyfriend's ass when he makes me cry.
He'll make me laugh when there's tears in my eyes.
He wouldn't think of ever abandoning you, even when things got hard.
He is immediately my date on special occasions when you're single.
I don't now, but I really need a guy best friend.
A real guy best friend.

any takers ? :)


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sincerely, Curious

Why are we built with curiosity?
Is it to mess with our head and drive us crazy?
Or make us more aware of certain things?

bet you didn't even consider the possibility of this :)

all of us are built with curiosity
sometimes it can be a curse OR a hidden blessing.
you can find out things that you wish you hadn't
or find a path of self-discovery :)


 #1 I find little kids the most adorable thing ever.
I thought it was just a general kinda point of just liking kids,
but i've figured out that this could be something i'd wanna lean towards
as a career, childcare/education?

do i suit it?thoughts?comments?

#2 I don't take compliments very well.

I always tend to question people about complimenting me.
I guess I've just accepted I have flaws that's all :)

      i'm trying to work on it, so be patient ^^

#3 I have mental blanks so often.
I don't know if it's stress that's making me forgetful,
or maybe it just comes with age :P
It better not get any worse >:[

i wish i had a usb port to my head :D
#4 I have ambiguous feelings.
You're filled with a gagillion emotions in your body,
that you don't even know which one it is ? D:

why must we have so many layers?

#5 I feel like life is a deja vu.
It's like you're living the same moment,
in a constant cycle.
Everything is a planned daily routine.


#6 I feel really intimidated by intellectual people.
so i'm sorry i don't help you with your questions,
i don't wanna get it wrong and be judged for being sped.

Need non-academic help?I AM HERE FOR YOU 100%

#7 I constantly feel sick.
Headaches, tummy aches, sore throat, styes
you name it i've probably caught it xD

RIP edward the egg.

#8 I am totally feeling the heat of stress 24/7.
my hands shake uncontrollably sometimes,
probably cause of a thing inhabiting my life.
HSC , go die in a hole.
please and thank you :)

#9 I'm always stoned, especially in the morning.
It might be the simple fact of sleep deprivation,
but I just feel bored of my mundane lifestyle.

I just blankly stare at people.

SO CUTE x3 i love fluffy things.
#10 I have a new found love for instant noodles.
Maybe cause we have a common room with a kettle
or the fact that it's winter now.

how is something so bad, taste so good?

after writing this, im gonna go make some :D

Have YOU discovered 
anything new lately?


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Indirect flirt

Today i was catching the train and decided to pick up an Mx 
if you don't know what the Mx it's a free newspaper
so yes all you asians out there, feel free to get one ;)

It's actually quite entertaining, especially the

"Here's looking at you" 

it's like how randoms indirectly flirt with each other.
If it actually works, i have no clue whatsoever. 

Here are some of the ones i found cute..

LIFE AMBITION: Poppet, I think you are an amazing 
gorgeous person. How about coffee and dinner for the 
rest of our lives?
- The Englishman

WELL SUITED: To the Greek guy with the purple tie
who got on the train at Kingswood at 8pm, 
I laughed at your jokes and you commented on my
crazy floral shirt. I'd love to make you some cookies.

- Flower tie

BIT OF COLOUR: To the girl in the purple hat who
catches the train every morning from Glenfield to
the city, you brighten up my colourless day. Thank you.

- Purple swagger

cues the ngaww :3

some helpful tips on how to pick up people ;)

P.S I discovered Parkers has new flavoured Pretzels , too much MSG in my opinion D:
