Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Everything happens for a reason

Do you find that things you plan don't always go as expected ?

Like yesterday for instance, i overslept and missed my friend's birthday dinner.
We were supposed to get there at 6:30 and i fell asleep at 6 and woke up at 10:30
( the next morning ). i know, fail whale right?
Today wasn't any better.
I was planning to go top ryde, cause i was epic craving oporto chips.
BUT, i missed the bus by 8minutes and the next bus came in an hour later.
Then we decided to go to Chatty and we missed the train by 1minute.
My timing was so off today, I think it was cause of the extreme amount of sleep i got.

Faith: An institution to express belief in a divine power.

I went to KYCK, the past weekend.
and i've learnt a lot from that camp.
The thing that I realised was the phrase one of the speakers said :

he was referring to a person's faith. 
It doesn't just improve on its own,
 it gradually dwindles. 
Faith is a shrinking process without action.

Frankly, sometimes you realise certain things that you didn't before.
It comes unexpectedly.
you realise..you can't always get rid of painful past experiences.
you realise .. you just made a fool of yourself.

you realise..parents have the ability to change their minds.

you realise..people have the ability to be a douche

you realise.. there's a positive outcome to every situation.

Realisation is a gift, keep being optimistic towards life.

A friend once told me a quote and i try to apply my life by it

"A person's success is not measured by how high they climb. 
Rather it is measured by how hard they bounce back
 when they hit rock bottom. "


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